Starting another gimmicky "Detox Diet!"


Don't get tricked into starting another gimmicky "Detox Diet!"
Do this instead.

Most people have some understanding of which foods can help detox the body, but nobody does it…


Meeting or correcting nutritional needs is a complicated subject. And we tend to shy away from things that feel intimidating at first. So, we postpone our efforts and say we'll do it tomorrow or some other day. 
There are always new habits you can introduce into your lifestyle.
And, if you want to be healthier- don't just go “cold turkey” and hope for the best.

Try it this way instead.

Don't totally eliminate foods you're eating now- psychologically speaking, you'll crave it simply because you "can't" have it.
If I say, "Don't think about monkeys." What are you thinking about? Monkeys! 
If you try to force your body to change too quickly, you know perfectly well you'll cry hard when confronted with a salad bowl! Aggressively demanding changes from yourself will never work.

My husband and I had this experience when we decided to go vegetarian for health reasons. We said, "Starting tomorrow- NO MORE MEAT." 
The problem was we never researched what foods to eat to replace the missing dietary components we were receiving from animal proteins. Learning more about how and why we could use other food options would have helped us enormously as we transitioned into this new lifestyle. We should have gradually implemented our new habits. Instead, we cut out too much too fast, and it sent shockwaves through our bodies. I hadn't expected such a physical shock to the system. Two weeks later, we started dreaming about steaks and sausages. In the morning, we got up, showered, and got ready to look for a place that served a FULL ENGLISH BREAKFAST! 

Changing habits is not easy. Work on them consistently, bit by bit, day after day, month after month. GRADUALLY!

Our bodies have evolved to be the ultimate adaptation machine, and it naturally cleanses itself every single second. You know that tingling sensation you get when a limb goes numb? We get that feeling from toxins that stayed in one spot for too long, and the body gets rid of them as quickly as possible. 
We're not fully in control of our bodies and the way it works. But we are in control of how we treat our bodies. And, consequently, the fuel we give it (a.k.a. food) is a direct reflection of how well we're treating our physical selves.
You could have the most powerful car sitting in your garage, but if you put hot chocolate in the tank, well… you know what will happen. 

What you want to do instead:

Introduce new healthy foods regularly, help your body shift its cravings to these healthier foods. Eventually, you'll crave less junk food, less "bad" stuff- your body will start asking for the good stuff!
If you hate the taste of "healthy foods," start with veggie smoothies. They're delicious and good for you. They taste great, and they'll keep your cravings at bay.

Here’s a great one-

Detox Veggie Smoothie Recipe*

Spinach, Carrot, Ginger, Apple, a bit of water or Almond Milk.

*These ingredients have antioxidants. They're loaded with vitamins. And (thanks to all that fiber) they're good for digestion. 

Throw everything in the blender and drink it throughout the day instead of snacking on sugary treats. If you want extra protein, add flavorless vegan protein- it'll help keep you going.


A 28 DAY JOURNEY To Create New Habits, Dance and Discover a New You.

As always, I want to give you a hand with this process, so you can start creating new habits and change the way you see yourself and the world around you. 

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