The Secret to Get in The Best Shape of Your Life is in Your Phone


I know you have games on your phone…

I know you have games on your phone. I see people all the time on the tube, fiddling away, moving jelly beans across the screen.

"But," you ask, "What does a game have to do with getting fit?" 

I'll tell you- everything! 

Have you ever wondered why you spend hours playing video games, but not with your workout?
Working out is hard, obviously, Alessia! 

But it's not that…

The real reason you're stuck playing that game for so long (whether it's on easy or hard mode) is because the algorithm is designed to make it so.

You could play for hours and hours, because of two simple things: 

1- Once you finish, you get a reward that will allow you to move forward.
2- The progression and ultimate reward, follow a neural path that gives you pleasure. Each little milestone is another zap to that pleasure center- ultimately leading you to the "Final Monster."

Now imagine if we could take the same principle and apply it to something really good for us!
If you hate exercise, you want to learn ballet, but you're forcing yourself into doing it... it will not work!

Try This Instead:

1- Set yourself specific goals- things like detoxing from junk food, conquering a certain step or dance routine, losing 5 kg, gaining 5kg, etc.
2- Because results don't happen overnight, make the process reward-based. 

Obviously, this journey should be healthy in nature if you are to achieve your goals. So think of your rewards as things like getting a massage, taking a luxurious bubble bath, or reading favorite books. In other words, "You Time." Spending time doing anything you know you will enjoy and will make you feel good is a reward worthy of the effort.

You don't get "stars" before you finish and pass a level of your game! 

Set some rules!

Everything you do for yourself only comes after you "played the game" and gotten to those stars- otherwise, NO REWARD. 

The outcome of this process is the ultimate catch to the whole method:

Every time you get your reward, you don't only get pleasure from it, you're also subconsciously telling yourself- you are a person who sticks to their word. You'll gradually build belief in yourself and confidence.

You're not only achieving your goals, but you're also strengthening your mental muscles. And this will help you achieve goals in your workouts and in your life.

Just do it! You'll thank me later. 

I know how hard it is to stick to a new routine, and you might need help to keep you on the right track.
Sometimes we have to re-center and re-find the path we wanted to be on. For you to stick to your plan, you must take action.

Change bad habits and implement new ones I've created for you in Momentum, a 28 Day Journey of Dance, to see yourself and feel like never before.

Sign up today.


A 28 DAY JOURNEY To Create New Habits, Dance and Discover a New You.

As always, I want to give you a hand with this process, so you can start creating new habits and change the way you see yourself and the world around you. 

Sign up for
MOMENTUM - 28 days journey of Dance and achievements.

Looking forward to hearing all about your journey!



Of course I’m here for you, so if you have any question or want to start a conversation, feel free to leave a message below or send me an email to :)
