Feel Powerful and Independent


 Take On the World By Yourself,
Feel Powerful and Independent

Yes, I have to admit... I’m a sucker for romantic movies. I love the magic they create with lighting, visuals, and music. 

Come on, let's be honest, fairytales like those never happen. But thank you anyway, cinema, for ruining real life for us. 

Since we were kids, we expect our Prince to come riding on his white horse, racing to rescue us, getting down on his knees, and telling us he will love us forever... Yeah Right! 

How's about a Tale about an independent woman/ man that learns to respect each other, learn to push through hard times, and make things work?

Or what about a story about someone that hasn't found the "other half" yet? Instead, they could learn to love herself/himself. They learn how to understand how to be in control of their own life- to value themselves, to see a beautiful power within themselves. That inner strength and self-love can be expressed by helping Themselves First, and then all the others.

When we are "Empty" that energy cannot be gifted to anyone else, but if we" recharge" and look after ourselves, we have the possibility to share it with whoever we want and deserves our attention.

I still believe That Valentine's day was created by a chocolate factory To sell more products, another Festivity To make us Feel useless and alone while everyone else is busy being "Romantic" for one day of the year! 

Let's stop That right now, I want you To feel proud of who you are, even if we haven't got anyone buying us chocolate and flowers (chocolate is not healthy and flower...well I'd rather buy a plant), 

I want you to Know that you are enough

You are beautiful the way you are.

Respect and love yourself. You "other half'' will be the one that will walk into your life and will walk with you by your side through “mud” and through “fields of flowers”. 

If you love yourself you'll be able To love the rest of the world. 

Find your voice, be invincible.
You are enough.
You are you,
You are unique. 

True love will come into your life only when you know what you are worth.
That "love" will be the one that you feel “it was meant to be" all along.  There will be lots of Times where you'll have To understand each other's language to "make it work". 

For now take this time to understand your own language.

If you know who you are, you'll have no doubt whom you want to share the rest of your life with.
Dedicating this year's Valentine to anyone who wants to find real Love, 

The real Love within ourselves.
The  Person that you can trust and rely on every single day: You.


A 28 DAY JOURNEY To Create New Habits, Dance and Discover a New You.

How to we keep our power available every day?
Simple, keep the Momentum up

I know you are ready for this.

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MOMENTUM - 28 days journey of Dance and achievements.

See how you can really achieve your goals to be successful, confident and happy! 


Of course I’m here for you, so if you have any question or want to start a conversation, feel free to leave a message below or send me an email to hello@lazydancertips.com :)
