Workout To Get Rid of Overwhelm
Breathing It's something we do all day every day,
but take for granted.
Breathing- it is automatic, it is rhythmic.
It's something we do all day every day, but take for granted.
And, unless we can't breathe, we usually don't give ourselves time to concentrate on the importance of our breathing.
Our breath is a respiratory rhythm.
We move oxygen in and around the body, and we expel carbon dioxide and other gases out.
We breathe in the air around us, and we breathe out unwanted toxins.
We breathe in light and love. We breathe out negativity.
This Floor Workout focuses on this most basic, yet essential process as we move from one position to the next. Be mindful and conscious of all the life you breathe IN and all the negativity you breathe OUT.
Take some time today to bring much-needed oxygen and vitality into your body again. You’ll help the release of the knotted-up areas, and you’ll feel muscles stretch and contract with precise action.
If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed, or if your muscles have felt tight and unresponsive, take this time to love yourself. Breathe some energy back into your body, back into your heart.
Inhale Positivity, Exhale Negativity and Overwhelm.
Let’s do this workout together and let’s work on our breathing 👇
Do you need a workout
to follow every day? 👇
A 5 Day Workout Plan To:
- Set your goals
- Reconnect to your body and mind
- Rediscover a new Passion
- Have a Blueprint for how to achieve a Ballerina Body.
Of course I’m here for you, so if you have any question or want to start a conversation, feel free to leave a message below or send me an email to :)