Floor Work for Energy and Self Awareness


 How many times do we put ourselves in second place?

Way too many times. 

Feeling tired, not wanting to see anyone, finding excuses for why we didn't have the time to workout- Stop negotiating with yourself! 

If you want more energy, start eating healthy, move, do something you love- go for a walk, stand up tall, and look after yourself and your persona. 

You cannot come in second place every time. Be selfish, and stand up for yourself. Stand up to yourself and stop finding excuses. 

You are important. And you need to remind yourself that the kids can wait, or the husband can make dinner tonight. Delegate that task hanging over your head to a colleague if you already have too much on your shoulders. 

You can't do it all by yourself. It's ok to ask for help. It's ok to recognize that you can't have everything "under control" at all times.

The only thing you are in control of is You! 

You are in control of your own decisions.
You are in control of your own actions.
You are in control of what you say.
You are in control of your own well-being.
You are in control of your thoughts.
You are in control of your body.
You are in control of what you eat. 

You are in control of You.

Stop being a leaf in the wind. YOU ARE THE WIND. 

Flow the way you decide to- take action and go with your OWN flow.

You are in control of You.


A 28 DAY JOURNEY To Create New Habits, Dance and Discover a New You.

How to we stay in control every day?
Simple, keep the Momentum up

I know you are ready for this.

Sign up for
MOMENTUM - 28 days journey of Dance and achievements.

See how you can really achieve your goals to be successful, confident and happy! 


Of course I’m here for you, so if you have any question or want to start a conversation, feel free to leave a message below or send me an email to hello@lazydancertips.com :)
