Reactivate Your Body with this Fitness Barre
Today is “day one“ to get in full swing.
So many great memories from 2019, so many more To make this this year. And the best part is that we can start right away. it's so easy To start, but we really need To Keep That momentum going. Today is” day one” to get in full swing, to Reactivate Our Body and stick to our own promises.
It 's hard to hold yourself accountable and sometimes we need a little kick in the butt.
Yes, me included.
Every Time I don’t stick to my promises, I only let myself down. So think about this: whatever you do, do it for yourself, nobody else. You are the important one in your life.
If you look after yourself you'll be able to give to the world.If you don’t "give to yourself" you'll be empty and you'll have nothing to offer.
Let's look after ourselves today, let's wake up this body, let's reactivate the metabolism and your precious mind.
Let's get unstuck, let's bring our awareness into our life. Work on being present in your Barre, feel every muscle, every breath and your blood flowing through you veins.Feel your Body coming back to Life, Smile and show me those beautiful eyes full of joy.
Today is the day you take action. Today is the day you'll make it happen and actually get what you want this year!
I know you are ready for this.
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Of course I’m here for you, so if you have any question or want to start a conversation, feel free to leave a message below or send me an email to :)